Web support

At JDR Web, your brand and your ideas help influence our designs, but we are sure to take every step to make your website reflect your brand and reach your audience. In tandem with web development and web design, our team offers web support to give your brand a digital presence that appeals to your target audience. 


Without a proper place to live, your website cannot carry out your goals for it. Choosing the right hosting service can improve your page speed, improve your optimization, which raises your SEO ranking and reinforces your domains, emails, and data. A good server can also provide optimum security for your website. Making sure your site is always secure under an SSL certificate ensures that your data is safe and appears credible to users.  

Domain Hosting

Having multiple domains can strengthen your company’s presence and make you stand out from your competitors. As you link your domain to your emails and your collateral, having a place to retain your domain ensures its effectiveness.

Mobile Optimization

With everyone on their phones, a lack of mobile optimization will not cut it. You will lose them to your competition. Mobile optimization includes image optimization, scalable text, scrollability, and ADA-compliant font, color, and applications. By having these, your audience can easily navigate through your site, leading to a conversion. 


The best way to track, analyze, or streamline your connections and traffic, you can use integrations. From having a scrolling feed of Google reviews or social media to implementing e-commerce functions, integrations elevate your website. Integrations also customize how data appears on your website, which can be customized to your goals. Integrations can connect your website to your calendar or booking link such as Calendly or send forms, like your contact forms, to the right person in your company. 

Copywriting/Blog Writing

Although this is not a web service, we provide copywriting so that your brand message is clear, concise, and relatable. By writing content with the intent/focusing on the desired end user- your target audience, we will include existing and new information to shape your copy to your audience.  Copywriting catered to your audience allows you to retain their attention and answer their questions, making them more likely to do business with you. 


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the hot topic for websites. Without optimization, your website gets lost in the abyss of other websites and resources. Content optimization is key for lead generation. By intentionally including keywords from your target audience and competitive research, we can enhance both client experience and search rankings. Next, we ensure your website appeals to Google by providing a page title, meta description, and keyword-specific slug that it will use to scan through your website. By catering to your audience and search engines like Google, your company is considered reliable, credible, and relevant. Additionally, we ensure your website reflects ADA compliance so all individuals can view your content, navigate through your website, and connect with your organization. This focus improves your SEO rankings as well.